National Tri-Caucus Board Development Association (NTCBDA)

The National Tri-Caucus Board Development Association – Arizona (NTCBDA-AZ) was formalized and is currently an Arizona based non-profit, non-partisan organization with experience, expertise, and the passion for acting as a convener and strategic partner in pursuit of increased positive outcomes for African-American, Hispanic, Native American and disenfranchised youth in Arizona. With the ability to bring together organizations that span boundaries of community, government (all levels), academic, faith-based, nonprofits and foundations, NTCBDA-AZ is best positioned to provide the governance, management, communication, marketing, and program integration especially focused on Disconnected Youth. 

Mission Statement

NTCBDA-AZ is engaged in securing financial and legal resources, economic development, shaping education, environmental process and cultural spirituality within the Hispanic, African American, Native American and disenfranchised communities through sustainable partnerships.Brand Position StatementFor Hispanic, African American, Native Americans and disenfranchised communities who need the NTCBDA-AZ as an unwavering alliance that advocates and represents on their behalf toward successful and beneficial changes. Unlike organizations voicing promises of change with minimal results, our solutions are unrivaled because of NTCBDA-AZ united community of sustainable partnerships.

Collective Impact

The National Tri Caucus Board Development Association – Arizona clearly understood that in order to make a collective impact on this huge issue, partnerships had to be developed from different sectors to address the complex disconnected youth problem. The NTCBDA-AZ Collective Impact Model has been successful because we have partnered with government, faith based, businesses and community based organizations.

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